Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tea Party Rising to the Top?

My article was on the Daily Beast’s post on how the Tea Party might be coming out as a third party. I think that if they try hard enough then they can possibly make it and become a third party. The Tea Party is a group of mostly republicans that didn’t like some of the republican’s policies and ideas. If I had to give the Tea Party a stand point they would probably be closest to independents. The reason for this is that they agree and disagree with some policies from both parties. Also I think that it would be good for the country to get a third party because it would get the people to not just vote for one side but vote for what they believe in. there is a big debate about if the party will make it on the Daily Beast’s website between Douglas Schoen and Will Bunch. I read about this and they both have really good ideas and points that are very persuasive. Will the Tea Party come out as a third party? The world may never know.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's going to happen?

Nicholas Carr’s article in the Atlantic, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” caught my attention when he said that the internet is changing how we think and how we work. I agree with this statement but maybe we are changing for the better. Everything is becoming more efficient and more advanced every second. This could be because my generation has had this technology our whole lives. Older generations had to make the transition to this new technology and it’s been hard for some of them to get used to it. I understand where Nicholas is coming from and why he feels like he is being controlled by the internet for these reasons. It doesn’t mean that the internet is a bad thing; it has done amazing things for us. It has given us information and publicized so many wonderful things that past generations are aloof of. I believe that if we keep on this trail of updating technology we could have an even better future for generations to come. That is what I received from this article's information.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three Bears Break Into Colorado Springs and Will Be Killed

A black bear and it's two cubs broke into a Colorado Springs home on September second and they will be killed ( They were going through the house looking for food when the maid heard one of the cubs walk into the kitchen. The colrado division of wildlife was soon called and the bears were tranquilized. They were then taken away in a trailer and will be killed. My opinion on this subject is tha they should just take the bears out of the area and release them because bears are trying to gather all the food they can so that they can hybernate for winter. I do understand that the animals do not need to be going into peoples houses but I don't think it's worth taking thier lives. That is just my own opinion I hope you enjoyed it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A vision of students today

I think that the video we watched in class was depressing because not only are studens trying less than they should. Teachers are also aloof of whats going on in thier classroom and sometimes they dont even try to learn their students names or how they feel about the class and what is going on in thier mind. Also students dont pay attention in class and they just go on thier computers and search websites that are irrelevant to the class the whole time. Sometimes students don't even show up for class. That is just my opinion on the subject.