Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's going to happen?

Nicholas Carr’s article in the Atlantic, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” caught my attention when he said that the internet is changing how we think and how we work. I agree with this statement but maybe we are changing for the better. Everything is becoming more efficient and more advanced every second. This could be because my generation has had this technology our whole lives. Older generations had to make the transition to this new technology and it’s been hard for some of them to get used to it. I understand where Nicholas is coming from and why he feels like he is being controlled by the internet for these reasons. It doesn’t mean that the internet is a bad thing; it has done amazing things for us. It has given us information and publicized so many wonderful things that past generations are aloof of. I believe that if we keep on this trail of updating technology we could have an even better future for generations to come. That is what I received from this article's information.

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