Friday, November 5, 2010

Who is Really the Machine

"The Machine is Us/ing Us" by michael Wesch explained to me that the world is no longer as reliable on written text. Now we are starting to rely on digital text which is more efficeint and easier to work with. Like if you need to type somethig in bold or italics you can do so without hassel. Also even the earlier forms of making a website were much harder than today. You would have had to go through this big dialog process and made sure everything was perfect. Where as now you can just make a blog and post something in 15 minuets or less. I think that the machine is us and using us because when we are bloging or checking our facebook we are just a "cog" in a big machine. We are a big part that without us the machine would stop working, but so are many other things. Also if we create something we are part of it and there is no going back onlt forward on to bigger problems that we will have to solve as we go on with generations to come. My generation is called the digital age. What will the next generation be called? The only way to find out is to progress.

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