On Carl Fisch’s “The Fischbowl” he writes about Joel Burns’s speech on bullying. In his speech he talks about a bunch of recent suicides caused by bullying. He relates to this by telling how he was always bullied in middle school and high school for being a homosexual. He also says that he got through it by only listening to the people who helped and supported him. I think that it is horrible that anyone would find it funny to bully someone because they are different. Maybe this person will go on in life to do great things, and then the bully would have missed out on getting to know a great person. Even if this person doesn’t go on to do great things the bully still has no right to harass this person just because they are different or not “popular”. What does popular even mean? I think it’s just a way of rating people so someone is always better than someone else. This can really hurt someone’s self esteem, and this could be what drives student to suicides. Who is to tell you what you can and can’t do or who you can and can’t be. The single person should decide what’s important to them not their parents or peers. If everyone just tried to understand people than the world would be a much better place for everyone.
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